Welcome to California Horticulture

Hi there!

So, this is my first attempt at blogging. For some reason it feels like writing the annual, dreaded Christmas newsletter. The one that makes your friends groan upon receipt or laugh behind your back.

A little different, the blog will share information that I have gathered from the horticulture courses that I have taken and places that I have visited.

Concurrently, this blog might be used as my class project -- a photo journal of plants and places observed during field trips.


Torrey Pine

BOTANICAL NAME: Pinus torreyana

COMMON NAME: Torrey Pine


PLANT TYPE: Evergreen tree


COLOR: Green-grey

HABITAT: San Diego,Santa Rosa Island

COMMENTS: One of the rarest native pines in the United States, with two wild colonies - coastal San Diego and Santa Rosa Island. With wide, open irregular branches this fast growing tree reaches 40-60' in height and 30-50' wide made up of long soft needles. The female cones form high in the tree while the male form near the bottom. Can handle persistent droughts and poor soil conditions.

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