Welcome to California Horticulture

Hi there!

So, this is my first attempt at blogging. For some reason it feels like writing the annual, dreaded Christmas newsletter. The one that makes your friends groan upon receipt or laugh behind your back.

A little different, the blog will share information that I have gathered from the horticulture courses that I have taken and places that I have visited.

Concurrently, this blog might be used as my class project -- a photo journal of plants and places observed during field trips.


Rattlesnake weed

BOTANICAL NAME: Euphorbia albomarginata

COMMON NAME: Rattlesnake weed

FAMILY: Euphorbiaceae


LIGHT: sun

BLOOM: Mar - May

COLOR: white with purple

HABITAT: Coastal sage brush

COMMENTS: Growing in clusters of less than ½” these small plants make can quickly make a ground cover. They are poisonous.

Owl's clover

BOTANICAL NAME: Castilleja densiflora

COMMON NAME: Owl’s Clover

FAMILY: Scrophulariaceae


LIGHT: sun

BLOOM: Mar - May

COLOR: yellow/purple

HABITAT: Coastal sage brush, grasslands

COMMENTS: Partially parasitic. Grows in masses and can get as tall as 1’ high. It produces a tiny yellow flower surrounded by purple bracts.

Beach Evening Primrose

BOTANICAL NAME: Camissonia micrantha

COMMON NAME: Beach Evening Primrose, miniature suncup

FAMILY: Onagraceae

PLANT TYPE: Annual herb


BLOOM: Mar – May

COLOR: yellow

HABITAT: Coastal Sage Scrub, Chaparral. Grows in sandy areas

COMMENTS: A small, hairy annual herb producing a basal rosette of leaves. Self pollinates.

Red Maids

BOTANICAL NAME: Calandrinia ciliata


FAMILY: Portulacaceae


LIGHT: sun - part shade

BLOOM: Mar - June

COLOR: magenta

HABITAT: sunny meadowlands

COMMENTS: Grows 1’ tall making a good rock garden specimen. A hardy plant well adapted to many habitat and climate types They tolerate poor soil.

Devils fiddleneck


BOTANICAL NAME: Amsinckia vernicosa

COMMON NAME: Devils fiddleneck

FAMILY: Boraginaceae


LIGHT: sun - part shade

BLOOM: Mar - June

COLOR: yellow

HABITAT: scrub, desert

COMMENTS: Seeds and plant are poisonous and the sharp hairs on the plant can cause skin irritation.

Brush Sunflower

BOTANICAL NAME: Encelia Californica

COMMON NAME: Brush sunflower

FAMILY: Asteraceae

PLANT TYPE: Deciduous Shrub


BLOOM: Feb-June

COLOR: yellow

HABITAT: Native on the coast. Chaparral

COMMENTS: Hardy growth up to 3’ – 4’ tall. Loose cluster of daisies will droop in times of drought but will bloom profusely for months. Excellent choice on for hillside erosion control.

Coastal Four O'Clock

BOTANICAL NAME: Mirabilis multiflora

COMMON NAME: Coastal Four O’Clock

FAMILY: Nyctaginaceae

PLANT TYPE: Perennial Shrub


BLOOM: Dec-June

COLOR: magenta

HABITAT: Native on the coast. Chaparral

COMMENTS: Stem trailing mound shrub. Flowers open late in the afternoon. Requires little water. Seeds and roots are poisonous.

Coast Barrel Cactus

BOTANICAL NAME: Ferocactus viridescens

COMMON NAME: Coast Barrel cactus

FAMILY: Cactaceae

PLANT TYPE: Cacti, Shrub (stem succulent)


BLOOM: May - June

COLOR: yellow to orange flowers

HABITAT: Coastal Sage Scrub

COMMENTS: A medium to large cactus. Very spiny. Very drought tolerant. Included in the CNPS inventory of rare and endangered plants

California Popcorn Flower

BOTANICAL NAME: Plagiobothrys distantiflorus

COMMON NAME: California Popcorn Flower

FAMILY: Boraginaceae

PLANT TYPE: Annual Shrub

LIGHT: Sun to light shade

BLOOM: Mar – May

COLOR: white

HABITAT: Coastal sage scrub

COMMENTS: Annual herb with a spreading or erect stem and white flowers with five petals.

California Poppy

BOTANICAL NAME: Eschscholzia californica

COMMON NAME: California Poppy

FAMILY: Papaveracaea

PLANT TYPE: Perennial


BLOOM: Feb – Sept

COLOR: yellow

HABITAT: Coastal Sage Scrub

COMMENTS: State flower and are great for naturalizing hillsides. Features long blue-green stems and bright satiny petaled flowers.

White Sage

BOTANICAL NAME: Salvia apiana

COMMON NAME: White Sage or Bee sage

FAMILY: Lamiaceae

PLANT TYPE: Evergreen Shrub


BLOOM: Apr – July

COLOR: yellow, white, silvery leaf

HABITAT: Native on the coast. Chaparral

COMMENTS: Aromatic. Grows 3’ to 5’ tall and in the Spring gets a lavender tinged white flower. Bees make a delicate flavored honey from its flowers. Attractive at night as it reflects the moon or garden lighting. Some Indian tribes consider the white sage sacred. Drought tolerant.

California Buckwheat

BOTANICAL NAME: Eriogonum fasciculatum ssp. fasciculatum

COMMON NAME: California Buckwheat

FAMILY: Polygonaceae

PLANT TYPE: Shrubby Perrenials

LIGHT: Sun to light shade

BLOOM: March – Oct

COLOR: white

HABITAT: Native on the foothills. Chaparral

COMMENTS: Forms 1’ -3’ clumps offers an abundance of flowers which benefit wildlife. Drought tolerant. Good for erosion control. It is the state’s most wide spread buckwheat. In the Fall as the flower matures they change in appearance from white to rust or coppery seed heads.

Rush Rose

BOTANICAL NAME: Helianthemum scoparium

COMMON NAME: Rush Rose or Sunrose

FAMILY: Cistaceae

PLANT TYPE: Evergreen Shrub

LIGHT: Sun to light shade

BLOOM: Mar-June

COLOR: yellow

HABITAT: Native on the coast. Chaparral

COMMENTS:. Five petal, red stem ovary above petal. Also called rock roses. Good drainage is essential. Does well in rock gardens and seashore gardens. They are abundant after a fire.

Lance-Leaf Dudleya

BOTANICAL NAME: Dudleya lanceolata

COMMON NAME: Lance-Leaf Dudleya

FAMILY: Crassulace

PLANT TYPE: Succulent Perennial

LIGHT: Sun to partial shade

BLOOM: May - July

COLOR: long green stalks filled with rich pink blooms

HABITAT: Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub

COMMENTS: These plants are commonly called “liveforever” and can grow to one foot. They can be totally neglected and still thrive. Very good for rock gardens, they prefer poor rocky, sandy soil. Drought tolerant. A good plant for hummingbirds.

Coast Prickly Pear

BOTANICAL NAME: Opuntia littoralis

COMMON NAME: Coast Prickly Pear

FAMILY: Cactacaea

PLANT TYPE: Evergreen Cactus


BLOOM: May - June

COLOR: yellow

HABITAT: Native on the coast. Chaparral

COMMENTS: Very drought tolerant. spine clusters. Produces prickly red fruit that are edible. Forms wide clumps that can invade areas.

Indian Fig

BOTANICAL NAME: Opuntia ficus-indica


FAMILY: Cactacaea



BLOOM: May – June

COLOR: yellow orange

HABITAT: Native on the coast. Chaparral

COMMENTS: Very drought tolerant. Without spines – length and the direction in which they are pointing. Blossoms are followed by roundish fruit that are yellow red and are sold in the grocery store. Following is a link to the many medicinal qualities of the Indian Fig . http://www.herbsarespecial.com.au/free-herb-information/indian-fig.html

Mission Manzanita

BOTANICAL NAME: Arctostaphylos,Xylococcus bicolor

COMMON NAME: Mission Manzanita

FAMILY: Ericaceae

PLANT TYPE: Evergreen Shrub


BLOOM: Dec-Mar

COLOR: yellow

HABITAT: Maritime Chaparral

COMMENTS:. Densely branched can grow to eight feet tall with tightly curled under dark leaves. Salmon colored bark and short racemes of pale yellow, lantern like flowers followed by nearly black berries. Must have excellent drainage.


BOTANICAL NAME: Isomeris arborea

COMMON NAME: Bladderpod

FAMILY: Capparaceae

PLANT TYPE: Semi-evergreen shrub


BLOOM: Jan - Dec

COLOR: yellow

HABITAT: Coastal sage scrub

COMMENTS:. Cluster four petaled flowers, dense racemes (spike) stalks followed by green balloon shaped seed pods. Drought tolerant. Can bloom nearly all year and attracts hummingbirds. Bruised foliage gives off a strong pungent scent.

Yucca, Spanish Bayonet

BOTANICAL NAME: Yucca schidigera

COMMON NAME: Yucca, Spanish Bayonet

FAMILY: Agavaceae

PLANT TYPE: Evergreen Subshrub


BLOOM: Apr-May

COLOR: Purple tinted white flowers

HABITAT: Native on the coast. Chaparral

COMMENTS: Grows to 10 ft tall. Fibrous, can make baskets from fibers and shampoo from the roots. Also it can be cooked as a vegetable and you can make syrup. Pollinated at night by small moths.

Indian Paintbrush

BOTANICAL NAME: Castilleja affinis

COMMON NAME: Indian Paintbrush

FAMILY: Scrophulariaceae

PLANT TYPE: Perrennial deciduous subshrub

LIGHT: Sun to light shade

BLOOM: Mar - May

COLOR: red orange

HABITAT: Native on the coast.

COMMENTS:. Perrined flower. Likes to grow on south facing slopes. It can handle poor sandy or rocky soil conditions. And must have good drainage. Attracts hummingbirds.